
Company News, Flight & Wind Tunnel

Calspan Secures 2024 Aviation Week Laureate Award for Revolutionary X-62A VISTA Project


Company News, Flight & Wind Tunnel

Calspan Named Finalist for Prestigious Collier Trophy for Pioneering Achievements in Aerospace


Mobility & Safety

Calspan Earns Highest TISAX Label for Information Security

Aug 3, 2020
Naval Air Warfare Center Enhancement of the PAX River AE1107 and T408 Test Bed
  • Flight & Wind Tunnel
Calspan announced a successful initial commissioning of an upgraded test bed for…
Aug 2, 2020
GTF Engine Correlation
  • Jet Engine Solutions
Calspan and EME Aero (a joint venture between Lufthansa Technik and MTU Aero…
Jul 28, 2020
Calspan Acquires ASE
  • Jet Engine Solutions
Calspan Technology Holding Corporation announced the acquisition of Aero Systems…
Jul 28, 2020
Calspan Acquires Aero Systems Engineering
  • Company News, Jet Engine Solutions
Calspan Technology Holding Corporation, the parent company to a prospering group…
Jul 25, 2020
Aerodynamic Testing Capabilities
  • Jet Engine Solutions
The effects of the mixing of hot primary and cold secondary streams on nozzle…
Jul 8, 2020
Calspan Awarded DARPA Air Combat Evolution (ACE) Contract
  • Company News, Flight & Wind Tunnel
Calspan Corporation has been awarded a $14.1M, four-year contract by the Defense…
Jun 20, 2020
Calspan Celebrates Several Recent HAPCAT Accomplishments
  • Hypersonics
The HAPCAT (Hypersonic Aero thermal and Propulsion Clean Air Testbed) project…
May 18, 2020
FAA Appoints Calspan VP to Advisory Committee
  • Company News
We are pleased to announce that Paul Damphousse, Vice President of Business…
May 12, 2020
Test From Your Desk™
  • Company News
As many of our customers have switched to working from home or stopped their…