New Vehicle Development

New Vehicle Development

Vehicle Crash Testing
Validate CAE Simulations
State of the Art Facility
High Channel Counts
New Vehicle Development
Retrofits and Rebuilds
New Vehicle Development

Your Development Partner

Calspan has extensive experience conducting crash tests on fully electric vehicles (EV) including battery electric vehicles (BEVs), hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs), and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). In addition to tests on internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles fueled by either gasoline, diesel fuel or compressed natural gas.

This includes, early development structural crash tests on components like frame rails, bumpers, front end assemblies. Followed by crash tests on skateboards and crash tests in support of sensor development, verification to domestic and global test protocols and field re-creation crash tests.

For these tests Calspan utilizes latest, reliable ruggedized data acquisition systems, high-speed cameras and its huge fleet of crash test dummies. Assets, which supplement its experienced personnel, and sound processes that consistently yields quality test results.

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